New university card. The one on the left handside is the new card, which is similar to the old white card with color differnce. They said to put it away from any electronic devices cuz it is [mom'3n6aah]. Its better to have one card rather than two. We didn't use the white card and it was almost lost [ ma kent a3rf mkanhaa O_o] thanx god mum found it "as usual xD" ! and now there is one more thing i should did it long time ago, bass .....!! which is correcting my family name spelling & i want my full name nt the short one in the system, in arabic they put it all, but in English ashyaa2 na89aa, my brother " esmah kaml + correct spelling", WHY ME?? i went yesterday "monday, 6th" to talk to "sho3bt el8boOl" in gimi 2, he told me to talk to the ppl in 64 building yoOm bndawm. i took little wadoOm O tmt t'97k 3lyaa bcuz my face was red while am talking to him. "it is nt something new ya wadoOm!!" 7ta she was shy xD; i thought there are women inside, i didn't know all who work there local men! mn chee est7eet L2nee en9dmt when i entered the room.
Guess what? for the third time i ate cow meat without my knowldge DO U BELEIVE it x_x! walla i MUST take course to differentiate between types of meat. I only eat " L7m el.hoOsh" i don't like "L7m el.boOsh, bass ethaa '39b '39b momken akel". BASS L7m b8aar LO ma shaii 3eshaa makltaa, 3adii amoOt !! [i ate it 5laa9 ma adree y ana m7tshraa now O_o?] i have to a7tshr !! how dare i ate it without investigating, huh? now i will nt eat "hrisaa" Or l7am mshwaay mneeh O edrb >_<".
Oh, y3laa feda3t allah ramadan ="(. it was like yesterday, right? sub7an allah days are running too fast and el3mr ym'9ee faster! are we satisfied with what we did during this month? did we use all days tring to collect 7snaat, tring to B one of the ppl elly by3t8hoOm allah from hell? ya allah yarb yt8blnaa b8boOl 7sn O y3t8na from hell yaaarb ="). who knows if we gna b alive until next remamdan "hope so" =).
So, عيدكم مبـآرك مقدمــآ.