
happyy-stoppDays ago, during el-3eed… 6l3t outside [ fe 7oosh beetna ], ydooh " I hate 2 say ydooh, she is "umaayaah = mamy ", el-moheem.. kant m6rshtny 2 do sth 4 her ( it was el-'6her time o_O)…

Yoom d5tl el-beet, everything was black [ mashft shay (dark), of course -> coz of the sun ]..

R7t el-m'3aasl 2 wash my hands n my face.. then, I looked at myself in the mirror.. I couldn't c anything [ el-darkness still in my eyes ]..!! I tried 2 c my face, I tried 2 c mlam7 facey..!! BUT I couldn't.. I washed my eyes, 3sa el-darkness etroO7, baass without result….!!!
Then, I tried hard.. really hard.. I concentrate at my pic elly fel-mirror.. and I tried all my best.. [ STILL TRYING ] n it takes ftraah mn el-time ……!!

OOO finally, i saw my face =D.. I saw mlam7 facey.. I saw el-k7l elly e5traab coZz of washing my eyes ( n I fixed it), I saw my smile after el-hard working, I saw my gold Earring O my dress, I saw el-9aboon and bangy el-5damaah elly kant et'3sl Ahmed's hands…

happyy-stoppMaybe u will find this silly, BUT.. I feel it is an example of finding our self… actually, example of hard working and its result…!! Walla just think abt it.. first we feel everything is not clear, everything is up n down OR [ I don't know how 2 explain my point ].. and this is when el-darkness in our eyes… and by hard working and ( bel-3zeemah O el-e9raar ) el-darkness beyroo7 shway shway >> 3la 7sb our process speed O el3wamel el-5argeyaah.. until everything become clear O wa'97 which is the result of ( mghodnaa )… this example can be applied in many thing [ in our study, in our job, in our life [ eldnya O el25raah ], in changing sth in our self Or el-environment around us…

Yaraaaaby how can I explain my point…??? Mstawyaah can't explain anything >.<

happyy-stopp اممم ,, بشكل عآم أحس ( يآ مكثر أحآسيسي ههههههه ) ,, اممممم ,, بالنسبه حقي اعرف انا افكر في شوه او شو في بآلي

بس المشكله كيف اقول او اوصل الفكره..؟؟!! [ والله بدت اتصبيني حآلآت عدم المقدره على توضيح نقطة رأي ..!! ]

يـآربكوو فهمتو ~> ع قولت المنآصير هههههه =) ,,

امممم ان شاء الله انه الفكره وصلت ,, اوكيه حرآم خلوهآ توصل طيب غصب خلوهآ توصل هههههههه ,, اذا حد هب فآهم يخبرني يمكن اقدر اوضح في وقت ثآني ,,

26/9/2009 - 3:42PM

cloudy weather